/Confirm application
/Confirm application
After installment loan application is reviewed and finished from bank back office, Merchant might be required to confirm that products requested during application process are available and loan disbursement can be completed. Application request session-id should be specified in the request path. merchantKey should be passed in the request body.
Request Endpoint
Authorization Type | Description |
Bearer Token | access-token should be added to Authorization header |
Request Parameters
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
sessionId | guid | unique session Id of initiated application |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
merchantKey (required) | string | merchant unique identifier in online installments module |
Request Sample
curl --location --request POST 'https://test-api.tbcbank.ge/v1/online-installments/applications/279838cb-f41f-41c2-b9c9-151407acbbbf/confirm' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer BT7oxEIvzCgL0XUJVoGYHGNnrDpP' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"merchantKey": "MerchantIntegrationTesting"
Response Parameters
In case of a successful response, 200 OK will be returned. the body will contain "id": null which indicates that no errors occurred.
Response Sample
"id": null
"type": "https://developers.tbcbank.ge/docs/error-type-401",
"title": "Active installment with sessionId not exists",
"status": 401,
"detail": "Active installment with sessionId not exists",
"systemCode": "System code for problem is Online-Installment-Merchant-API.401.001",
"code": "001"
Error Response
In case of error, the standard response in problem json will be returned.
Details can be found at Error Code Description
Updated about 3 years ago