Get Payment ID

Method to get both single and batch payment IDs

Get Single Payment ID

When ImportSinglePaymentOrdersRequestIo is successfull, Bank's digital channel (Internet/Mobile banking; DBI integration service), assigns unique ID to each imported single payment order and returns its value in ImportSinglePaymentOrdersResponseIo, in the PaymentId attribute;
in case connection between client system and Bank's digital channel (Internet/Mobile banking; DBI integration service) is broken before client system gets response, GetSinglePaymentId Web Service can be used to get ID that was assigned by Bank's digital channel (Internet/Mobile banking; DBI integration service) to the imported payment order:


In the GetSinglePaymentId web service the Nonce element in security header is not required!

Payment Order Attribute Formats

Attribute format defines allowed character set and maximal number of characters in the attribute value.
Exclamation mark (!) means that value should contain exactly the specified number of characters; e.g.:

  • '22!S' – value should contain exactly 22 characters that correspond to 'S' charset;
  • '22S' – value can contain up to 22 characters that correspond to 'S' charset;
  • '13n.2n' – digits and decimal point: up to 13 digits before point and up to 2 digits after the point.
Format CodeAllowed Charset
nDigits: 0123456789
ACapital letters of the Latin alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
SCapital letters of the Latin alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Digits: 0123456789
Characters: / - ? : ( ) . , ` + _ * < > & SPACE
RGeorgian (Unicode, UTF-8) letters: აბგდევზთიკლმნოპჟრსტუფქღყშჩცძწჭხჯჰ
Lower case letters of the Latin alphabet: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Capital letters of the Latin alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Digits: 0123456789
Characters: / - ? : ( ) . , ' + space


Characters < > & must be represented as:

Characters must be represented: "<" as &lt; ">" as &gt; "&"as &amp;

Get Single Payment ID Request Attributes

Single payment request ID that was specified in the import request

Example 1: Get Single Payment ID Request


Get Single Payment ID Response Attributes

PaymentIdStringPayment order ID assigned by Bank's digital channel (Internet/Mobile banking; DBI integration service)


In Case Specified Single Payment Request ID Is Not Found For A Given Client, Web Service Will Return A SOAP Fault

			<faultstring xml:lang="en">Specified single payment request ID is not found for a current client</faultstring>


Example 3: Get Single Payment ID Response


Get Batch Payment ID

When ImportBatchPaymentOrderRequestIois successfull, Bank's digital channel (Internet/Mobile banking; DBI integration service), assigns unique ID to each imported single payment order and returns its value in ImportBatchPaymentOrdersResponseIo, in the PaymentId attribute;
in case connection between client system and Bank's digital channel (Internet/Mobile banking; DBI integration service) is broken before client system gets response, GetBatchPaymentId Web Service can be used to get ID that was assigned by Bank's digital channel (Internet/Mobile banking; DBI integration service) to the imported payment order:


In the GetBatchPaymentId web service the Nonce element in security header is not required!

Get Batch Payment ID Request Attributes

Batch payment request ID that was specified in the import request

Example 4: Get Batch Payment Payment ID Request


Get Batch Payment ID Response Attributes

BatchIdStringInternal ID of batch assigned by Bank's digital channel (Internet/Mobile banking; DBI integration service)


In Case Specified Batch Payment Request ID Is Not Found For A Given Client, Web Service Will Return A SOAP Fault

			<faultstring xml:lang="en">Specified batch payment request ID is not found for a current client</faultstring>


Example 6: Get Batch Payment ID Response
