/Execute recurring payment

Request initiates recurring payment.

/Execute recurring payment

Request initiates recurring payment.

Request Endpoint



Authorization TypeDescription
Bearer Tokenaccess-token should be added to Authorization header

Request Parameters


apikeystringdeveloper app API key

Body Parameters

preAuthbooleanspecify if preauthorization is needed for the transaction. if "true" is passed, amount will be blocked on the card and additional request should be executed by merchant to complete payment. To finalize authorization process, /v1/tpay/payments/:paymentId/completion endpoint should be used.

The following values are allowed:
true, false
recId (required)stringrecId of the saved card
merchantPaymentIdstringMerchant-side payment identifier
extrastringadditional parameter for merchant specific info (optional). only non-unicode (ANS) symbols allowed. max length 25
money (required)object
- amount (required)numberamount of payment
- currency (required)stringtransaction currency (3 digit ISO code). Note 1) payments in given currency should be enabled for the merchant.

The following values are allowed:

Request Sample

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.tbcbank.ge/v1/tpay/payments/{payId}/completion' \
--header 'apikey: lXcDL8JJiAN8Vjlu6NW3kNeceOQolwnF' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJKSeriiIsImtpZCI6IjVFMjBGMzQ2RUY1RjU2ODkxQTIyRkUzQUVCRjAzMzlGMzVDNjk1QjYiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ4NXQiOiJYaUR6UnU5ZlZva2FJdjQ2Nl9Bem56WEdsYlkifQ.eyJuYmYiOjE2MzE2NDQyNjEsImV4cCI6MTYzMTczMDY2MSwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9hY2NvdW50c2FwaS50YmNiYW5rLmdlLyIsImF1ZCI6WyJodHRwczovL2FjY291bnRzYXBpLnRiY2JhbmsuZ2UvcmVzb3VyY2VzIiwicGF5bWVudGFwaSJdLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiI3MDAwMDAyIiwic2NvcGUiOlsicGF5bWVudGFwaSJdfQ.GNIaxgik-ElXrvXOky5_1D1YjEEX5CB3eQHKPwvdCNhB-HvblqZ78QSNJcl6qLfL8gRTd0x9ASCgXu2z2RQYJ-wls0V2IwrQ7p4WEU-ON9QnasOjZWgPeVAtZQC_zjH9DdmL1GiDTIHLErhKDGl3YtSGcvPKSvTpABWda6HvF7lNGlEK0SZxzzt1i1SkpAnQfzIO1ATEmKdM1EmWzp5ZaDk0cF-Wzfk_2CrQAGofc80GT64U8WOXvVOx1gVYmjzqYs71XCOqfQdySYBIc-tbUC6YIoeSPZfu1hpi33Gz40ig57t4jxeE7Jh--38ydO4AGEw8BdlLv534O0V3ZoOddg' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{

Response Parameters

payIdstringpayment id
statusstringpayment status

The following values are allowed:
Succeded, WaitingConfirm
currencystringtransaction currency (3 digit ISO code)
amountnumbertransaction amount
- uristringURL
- methodstringmethod to use on URL
- relstringaction to use on URL
transactionIdstringtransaction_id from UFC
preAuthstringpreauthorization status for given payment (true, false)
recurringCardobjectsaved card parameters: card recId, cardMask and expiryDate. If saving card wasn't required, null will be returned
- recIdstringsaved card recId. used for initiating payment with saved card.
- cardMaskstringmasked card PAN
- expirtyDatestringdate of expiry
httpStatusCodestringhttp status code
developerMessagestringdeveloper message for logging in local system
userMessagestringerror message for user

Response Sample

  "payId": "mztv8vdd2170l15248",
  "status": "Succeeded",
  "currency": "GEL",
  "amount": 1,
  "confirmedAmount": 1,
  "returnedAmount": 0,
  "links": null,
  "transactionId": "FUVHzR335WiLh+xG+7cVJq0jX9M=",
  "paymentMethod": 11,
  "preAuth": false,
  "recurringCard": {
    "recId": "fA0F39Dcd5C4B49b1ab1B9c5b960467898fEa980",
    "cardMask": "511588******0614",
    "expiryDate": "0222"
  "httpStatusCode": 200,
  "developerMessage": null,
  "userMessage": null
  "type": "https://developers.tbcbank.ge/docs/error-type-401",
  "title": "Invalid Api Key",
  "status": "401",
  "detail": "Please make sure api key is valid",
  "systemCode": "System code for problem is tpay-access-token.401.001"

Error Response

In case of error, standard response in problem json will be returned.

Details can be found at Error Code Description

in case of 400 Bad Request additional parameter, resultCode containing detailed business error description will be returned.

typestringA URI identifying a human-readable web page with information about the error
titlestringGeneral error description
statusstringHttp status code
systemCodestringerror code in following format: {method-name}.{http-status-code}
detailstringHuman-readable text providing additional Information
resultCodestringBusiness level transaction status description. Detailed list of available statuses is described in the Classifications chapter