Exchange Rates
Exchange Rates
Product Overview
Methods for fetching official and commercial exchange rates.
Based on online official and commercial Exchange Rates API you are able to calculate prices of assets in various currencies for your business.
API Overview
Endpoint Addresses:
All endpoints are structured according to the following pattern:
Base URL
- Test service Base URL: https://test-api.tbcbank.ge
- Production service Base URL: https://api.tbcbank.ge
API Version
current version: v1
Product endpoints
- CommercialRatesList:
Gets commercial exchange rates for Georgian Lari. - Commercial ConvertionResult:
Returns convertion value of amount between currencies specified in from and to parameters based on TBC bank's commercial exchange rates. - OfficialRatesList:
Gets official exchange rates for Georgian Lari. - Official ConvertionResult:
Returns convertion value of amount between currencies specified in from and to parameters based on official exchange rates.
Authorizing Requests:
- All requests should contain apikey parameter with corresponding developer app key value in a Header.
- apikey parameter is used to verify registered developer app and grant general access to make api call. To get your developer app key, follow instructions at Creating developer account.
Testing services:
- Postman collection with test services can be downloaded from the following link: Exchange Rates Postman Collection
Resource Types:
- URIs are relative to https://test-api.tbcbank.ge/v1/exchange-rates, unless otherwise noted.
Steps to follow for Exchange Rates integration:
Get Commercial or/and Official exchange rates for Georgian Lari in 4 Steps:
If you don't have a developer account, find out how to create here
Updated about 3 years ago